The time to rediscover and be enriched by our African forebears in the faith need not be delayed any longer. Prof. Tom Oden and other modern scholars who were engaged in translating early Christian documents were struck by the enormous quantity of valuable work that emanated from Africa. odenThis realization was found to be so significant that Tom Oden was commissioned to write the challenging book: “How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind: Rediscovering the African Seedbed of Western Christianity.” This book challenges modern Africans to view Christianity as a ‘Traditional African Religion’ with roots going back 2,000 years, rather than to see it as a recent and foreign import. It also challenges the African continent to produce young biblical scholars and theologians who will display the same spiritual maturity and theological discipline that the continent was blessed with in the past. Finally it challenges us to seek closer ties with the Coptic Church which traces its roots to St Mark (who was himself an eye witness of Jesus) and his ministry in Alexandria.
Accordingly, please note the following seminar;
Venue:           Communitas
Speakers:      Drs Joel Elowsky and Michael Glerup
Date:               Friday, 22 October 2010
Time:              09h00 – 12h00
Cost:               R30