
Behoort, Beleef en Bely

Behoort, Beleef en Bely (Atrikel is onlangs in Beeld gepubliseer) Ek het grootgeword in ‘n kerk waar die skema oor lidmaatskap werk met drie B’s: Bely, Beleef en Behoort. Jou geloofsreis begin met Bely. ’n Mens moet die waarhede van die Bybel in stellings of...

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"Finances are tight, and our numbers are dwindling. The congregation is looking to me to turn things around. So is my denomination--that's exactly what I was told when I was appointed here. And, frankly, that's my expectation too. Isn't that my job?" says a pastor of...

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Die smet van diversiteit as andersheid

Diversiteitsberaad van die Noordelike Sinode Mei 2009 Dit is met sy hantering van diversiteit dat die Afrikaanse kerke moontlik die land die meeste in die steek gelaat het. Besprekings van diversiteit gaan maklik oor in ‘n lofsang vir die kleurvolle, multikulturele...

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Christenleiers – God se mense vir nuwe Werklikhede


Wat het van ons geestelike leiers geword?
In ‘n wêreld waar die leierskultuur gekenmerk word deur bemarkingspotensiaal, charisma, selfverheerliking en die belofte van selfverbetering, bied geestelike leierskap ons ‘n prent van ‘n ander wêreld – een waarin integriteit, spiritualiteit, kreatiwiteit, verbeelding, beginsels en waardes noodsaaklik is.  Dit het ons wêreld juis nou nodig.

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Declaration of Barmen

Theological Declaration of Barmen Written by Karl Barth and the confessing church in Nazi Germany in response to Hitler's national church. Its central doctrines concern the sin of idolatry and the lordship of Christ I. An Appeal to the Evangelical Congregations and...

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The Forgotten Ways – Alan Hirsch – Kommentaar

Kommentaar op Hirsch se boek: The forgotten ways

‘There exists in every church something that sooner or later works against the very purpose for which it came into existence. So we must strive very hard, by the grace of God to keep the church focused on the mission that Christ originally gave to it.’ C.S. Lewis

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