Uit die opvoedkundige wereld het daar so pas ‘n boek verskyn van John Baldacchino oor die opvoedkundige filosofie van Maxine Greene.  Die titel is “Education Beyond Education: Self and the Imaginary in Maxine Greene’s Philosophy” (Peter Lang, 2009).  Vir Greene beteken opvoeding baie meer as blote kennis (om te weet).  Sy skryf iewers, “we are interested in education here, not in schooling”.  Om te leer en om te weet verteenwoordig twee radikaal verskillende benaderings tot opvoedkunde.  Die om-te-leer benadering waag dit na die ondefinieerbare ruimtes wat sekerhede en bekendhede oorskry.  Baldacchino beskryf dit so:  “Whenever the worlds of norm and normality are presented as valid by dint of their ‘familiar nature’, we know that this is a self-imposed assumption.  We impose such worlds on each other because we are always anxious that otherwise we run the risk of having no truth, or beauty or goodness – or so they tell us.  But as Greene states, we should be concerned with wide-awakeness ‘not with the glowing abstractions – the True, the Beautiful, and the Good””.

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